Ross Copperman

Ross Copperman is one of Nashville’s most sought-after songwriters and producers, and this year among years previously, he shared his talent with campers during the 12th Annual ACM Lif
ting Lives® Music Camp with Van
derbilt Ke
edy Cen
ter for Ex
cellence in Developmental Disabilities. Along with J.
T. Har
ding and HA
RDY, Copp
erman and the campers composed the original song, “Ha
ppiness.” Copperman first participated in Music Camp in 2013 and has been involved every year since. Copp
erman’s newest No. 1 writing credits include Da
rius Ruc
ker’s “Be
ers and Sun
shine” and Bl
ake Shel
ton and Gw
en Ste
fani’s “Ha
ppy Any
where” and “Nob
ody But You.” He recently returned to his artist roots with the release of a five-song Southern pop EP, So
mewhere Ther
e’s A Light On. Coppe
rman was elected to serve on the ACM Lifting Lives Board of Directors in 2016 and has been serving since.