Loretta Lynn

Loretta Lynn stands as one of the most dynamic and direct songwriters in Coun
try Music history. Her body of work has contributed countless classics, have made an indelible mark on Coun
try Music and has inspired generations of female artists to follow her amazing example. Early originals like “You Ai
n’t Woma
n Eno
ugh” and “Don’t Co
me H
ome A-Dr
inkin’ (With Lo
vin’ on Your Mi
d),” both released in 1966, are undisputed classics. Her catalog also offers chart-topping hits like “Fis
t Ci
ty,” “Ra
ted X” and of course, “C
oal Min
er’s Da
ter.” Her numerous ACM wins include Entert
ainer of the Ye
ar in 1975 and Artist of the Decade in 1979. A groundbreaking singer, songwriter and performer, Lore
tta L
ynn is an archetype of American music, a singular artist whose music defined a genre and whose songs continue to inform new gener
ations of musicians.