Hillary Lindsey

Hillary Lindsey is one of Nashville’s most respected songwriters and go-to hitmakers - with 27 No. 1 songs under her belt, she has crafted material for artists ranging from Mir
anda La
mbert to L
ady Ga
ga. She won her third GRAMMY in 2020 for co-writing "I'll Ne
ver Lov
e Ag
ain" for A St
ar Is Bor
n.  Her recent credits include Jord
an Dav
is’ "Almo
st Mayb
es", Kels
ea Bal
lerini's "H
ole In The Bott
le," H
Y feat. Laur
en Alai
na & De
vin Daw
son’s "On
e Be
er," Mic
key Guy
ton's "Heav
en Down Here" and L
uke Bry
an's back-to-back No. 1 singles "Wha
t She Wa
nts To
night" and "Kn
ockin' Bo
ots." This is her second consecutive win for ACM Songwriter of the Year.