Curly Putman

Curly Putman composed numerous enduring classics in the country canon, including Do
lly Par
ton’s “D
umb Blo
nde,” Port
er Wag
ner’s “Gre
en G
reen Gra
ss of H
ome,” also recorded by pop icon To
m Jo
nes and turned into an international hit, recorded in several languages, as well as Geo
rge Jon
es’ signature hit “He Stop
ped Lovi
ng Her T
oday.” The latter title, written with Bo
bby Bra
ddock, was named 1980 ACM Single and Song of the Year. Tam
my Wyne
tte recorded Putman’s “D-I-V
-O-R-C-E” (also written with Br
k) and “M
y Elus
ive Dr
eams” (written with Bi
lly Sher
rill). Putman was inducted to the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1976.